Table Quiz, St Philip’s Hall
Table Quiz, St Philip’s Hall
Thursday 27th February at 8pm St Philip's Hall, Temple Road. D06 AX71 Teams of 4 people. €12.50 per person
Thursday 27th February at 8pm St Philip's Hall, Temple Road. D06 AX71 Teams of 4 people. €12.50 per person
1.30pm from St Philip’s Church and car pool. Otherwise meet up at 2pm at the walk venue.
* Crafts * Celebrations * Food * Sunday 9 March, 4-6 pm at St Philip’s Hall & Church
Meet at 11 am for refreshments, followed by a time of bible reading, discussion & reflection
Meet at 11 am for refreshments, followed by a time of bible reading, discussion & reflection
Meet at 11 am for refreshments, followed by a time of bible reading, discussion & reflection