Lenten Bible Study 2016: Saint Stephen’s Church

Saint Stephen's Church

(Saint Ann’s Rural Deanery). Theme: Transcending Boundaries Wednesday evenings at 8 pm. Booklets can be downloaded at bibliahibernica.wordpress.com. Each evening will end with refreshments. All welcome at any or all evenings.

Lenten Bible Study 2016: Sandford Church, Ranelagh

Sandford Church

(Saint Ann’s Rural Deanery). Theme: Reaching Out to Others Wednesday evenings at 8 pm. Booklets can be downloaded at bibliahibernica.wordpress.com. Each evening will end with refreshments. All welcome at any or all evenings.

Lenten Bible Study 2016: St Bartholomew’s, Clyde Road

St. Bartholomew's Church, Clyde Road

(Saint Ann’s Rural Deanery). Theme: Taking Down the Walls Wednesday evenings at 8 pm. Booklets can be downloaded at bibliahibernica.wordpress.com. Each evening will end with refreshments. All welcome at any or all evenings.

Lenten Bible Study 2016: ICON, Centenary Hall, Leeson Park

Centenary Hall, Leeson Park

(Saint Ann’s Rural Deanery). Theme: Do As You Would Be Done By Wednesday evenings at 8 pm. Booklets can be downloaded at bibliahibernica.wordpress.com. Each evening will end with refreshments. All welcome at any or all evenings.

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