Youth Organisation Service, Sandford Church

Sandford Church

Sunday, 21st October at 11am in Sandford Church To celebrate the work and membership of the youth groups in our parishes

Joint Parishes Table Quiz

St Philip's Hall and Grounds

Thursday 28th February at 8pm in St Philip’s Hall.  All welcome!

Parents and Toddlers Coffee Morning

Following the success of previous Parents and Toddlers Coffee Mornings, the Parish Development Committee are now holding this twice a year. The next one will take place on Friday 10 May from 11 am to 12 noon. This is an opportunity for young families within the parishes to meet and…

Strawberries & Wine Garden Party

Sandford Rectory

From 7pm to 9pm in the Rectory Garden Adults €10, Children €5, Pre-school children free. Family ticket €30 In aid of the Irish Cancer Society and Sandford Parish Free Raffle! Tickets available from members of Sandford Select Vestry, the Churchwardens, Sandford Parish NS (office) and Suzanne at 086 0386432 /…

Ice-Cream Sunday, St Philip’s

St. Philip's Church

Joint Family Service in St Philip’s Church at 11 am followed by ice cream at 12.30pm! We hope that parishioners of Sandford and St Philip’s will join us for our final Family Service of this academic year followed by a time of refreshing refreshments and chat. All ages welcome!

Summer Soiree, St Philip’s Church Grounds

St Philip's Hall and Grounds

Saturday, 29th June from 7pm in St Philip's Church Grounds, Temple Road. Tickets €25 per person, includes a glass of wine/cocktail and canapes. Tickets available from school/parish office at 086 0386432 /,  the Churchwardens, members of the joint fundraising committee and members of Select Vestry.   Everyone is welcome!

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