Family Service (Sandford Church)

Sandford Church

10 am: Family Service, at which the Parish Documentary will be shown (Sandford Church), followed by tea/coffee

Re-dedication of the organ in Sandford Church

Sandford Church

The re-dedication of the organ in Sandford Church by the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Revd M G St A Jackson, following restoration works. Followed by a Recital by David Leigh, Organist and Assistant Master of the Music at St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Sunday, 23rd September 2018 at 6.30pm in…

Sandford Easter General Vestry Meeting

Sandford Church

As you will be aware, the Easter General Vestry meeting (parish AGM) due to take place in March was postponed due to Covid-19.  Further to instruction from Diocesan Councils, this meeting will now take place as follows: Sandford Parish:  Sunday 30th August following a short service of Morning Prayer at 10am…

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