Holy Communion, Sandford Church (Ascension)
Sandford Church10.30am
Details to be confirmed
Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…
Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…
Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…
On Sunday 9th August, David O’Shea and a small number of singers from the Sandford & St Philip's Choral Scholars will provide the music at the Church’s Ministry of Healing Service which will be broadcast on RTÉ 1 television and RTÉ Radio 1 Extra (long wave) at 11am. It will…
St Philip’s, Milltown Parish: Tuesday 25th August at 7.30 pm in St Philip’s Parish Hall As you will be aware, the Easter General Vestry meeting (parish AGM) due to take place in March was postponed due to Covid-19. Social distancing and other relevant Covid-19 guidelines will be followed. The meetings will…