Summer Music at Sandford 2022: Maria Greenan (Piano)
Sandford ChurchMusic by Bach, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and Gershwin Admission free; donations will be divided between the performers and the Sandford Church bell-cote restoration fund.
Music by Bach, Brahms, Rachmaninoff and Gershwin Admission free; donations will be divided between the performers and the Sandford Church bell-cote restoration fund.
Donations of good quality clothing, paired shoes or other fashion accessories for men, women or children gratefully received. They can be brought to St Philip's Church Hall on Friday, 26th August 3pm - 5pm.
2pm - meet at the car park near the Red Stables We usually spend about two hours, walking at a leisurely pace, and try to end with refreshments. Join us for good company, being in the open air, enjoying spectacular views and keeping up some exercise.
3pm - 5pm, St Philip's Allotments, Temple Road.
11.30am. Rain or shine.
Afternoon Tea in St Philip’s Hall on Friday 23 September at 3pm To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Sandmillers and to discuss the future of Sandmillers
Sunday 2 October at 10am in Sandford and 11.30 am in St Philip’s As we consider an eco-friendly approach to all aspects of church and parish life
Sunday 2 October at 10am in Sandford and 11.30 am in St Philip’s As we consider an eco-friendly approach to all aspects of church and parish life