Sunday School, Sandford Church
Sandford Church10am
7pm On Sunday 24 November at 7 pm in St Philip’s Church we will have a reflective service of remembering of family, friends, parishioners and loved ones who have died.
2.30pm, SPNS
Saturday 30 November 2019 10.30 am – 1.30 pm in Sandford Parish National School Cakes * Toys * Books * Treasure Chest * Beauty * Accessories * and more! Great raffle prizes A day out for all the family! We would be very grateful for donations to all stalls so…
Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…
7pm - a meditative service which is sung throughout.
The Parish Development Committee will host its second parish breakfast on Sunday 8 December in St Philip’s Hall. This will follow the 8.30 am Holy Communion service in St Philip’s (30 minute, said service). If you would like to join us please RSVP (for catering purposes) by Tuesday 3rd December…