Sunday School, St Philip’s
St. Philip's Church11.30am
2.30pm, Sandford Church
7pm, Sandford Church
The Parish Development Committee will host the next Parents and Toddlers Coffee Morning on Friday 18 October from 11 am to 12 noon. This is an opportunity for young families within the parishes to meet and get to know one another. It is purely a social occasion and we warmly…
Sunday 20 October at 11 am in St Philip’s Church This service will gather together the leaders and members of the youth groups to celebrate and acknowledge their work and membership. This service will involve the Sunday School, Garden Gang, Choral Scholars, Scouts, Beavers, Cubs and Brownies.
Our parish pub night will take place this term on 24 October from 7.30 pm in Birchall’s of Ranelagh. All welcome – just drop in!
Saturday, 26th October at 4pm. Dressing up is essential!