Joint Service for Palm Sunday, Sandford Church
Sandford ChurchCelebration of the Eucharist with the reading of the Passion Narrative. 11am in Sandford Church (joint service)
Celebration of the Eucharist with the reading of the Passion Narrative. 11am in Sandford Church (joint service)
Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…
11.30am: Meet at Musuem of Literature Ireland (MoLI), Newman House, St Stephen's Green South. Tour costs: €10.20 Tour followed by lunch in The Commons (MoLI). Please sign church porch lists by Sunday, 5th April or phone Irene/Gloria.
Composed by Theodore Dubois. Wednesday, 8th April at 8pm in Sandford Church
Church of the Holy Name to Sandford Church. Friday 10th April, 10am - assemble at Church of the Holy Name.