SandMillers: Coffee/Lunch in the Goat Grill
Goat Grill, Goatstown11.30am
Joint Family Service in St Philip’s Church at 11 am followed by ice cream! We hope that parishioners of Sandford and St Philip’s will join us for our final Family Service of this academic year followed by a time of refreshing refreshments and chat. All ages welcome!
The Rectory Garden Wednesday, 20 June, 7–9 pm Adults €10, Children €5, Pre-school children free. Family ticket €30 In aid of the Irish Cancer Society and Sandford Parish Free Raffle! Tickets available from members of Sandford Select Vestry, the Churchwardens, Sandford Parish National School (office) and Irene at 086 0386432…
During school
3.30pm at St Philip's allotments and grounds
We meet on the first Tuesday of every month, departing at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church, Temple Road.