We have a number of thriving organisations within our parish community:
Sandmillers is an activity group for the parishioners of both Sandford & St Philip’s, meeting five or six times a year for a cuppa with a talk or demonstration, an outing to a local place of interest and an annual Sandmillers’ lunch. Sandmillers is open to all parishioners (and friends), without commitment – feel free to come to any or all events.
New members are most welcome – comments and suggestions for future activities welcome too! Contact sandfordandstphilips@gmail.com for more details.
Sandmill Strollers
Sandmill Strollers meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 1.30 p.m. on Temple Road (near St Philip’s Church and parking is free there after 1.00 p.m.!). We usually walk for about 2 hours and plan to return to Temple Road by 4.30 p.m. or 5.00 p.m.
If you are free, please come and join us. No special level of fitness required – we are walking to enjoy the company and the scenery! Contact sandfordandstphilips@gmail.com for more details.
Music and Singing
If you are interested in music and singing, there are several opportunities to get involved with music at Sandford and St Philip’s:
The Choral Scholars are younger singers in second or third-level education, who receive tuition in music theory and vocal technique, and sing frequently at services in the grouped parishes.
The Choral Union includes singers of all ages, and sings at special services during the church year (Advent, Christmas, Holy Week, etc.), as well as performing a wide variety of repertoire in regular concerts.
Some members of Choral Union also lead the singing of hymns and psalms at our weekly Sunday services as the Parish Choir.
Rehearsals are relaxed and informal and take place on Wednesday evenings in Sandford Church. Choir terms run from September until May. If you are interested in being part of one of these choirs, please contact David O’Shea: doshea3@gmail.com.
Allotments at St Philip’s
There are some allotments in the grounds of St Philip’s Church. For further information contact Carol Plunkett.
Contact details are listed in the SandMill News which is published and distributed to parishioners, or alternatively contact the Parish Office: 086 038 6432 or email sandfordandstphilips@gmail.com.