
Lectern hanging

Lectern hanging


Enjoy singing and like to join in with a committed, friendly group of people and learn some new musical pieces? No experience necessary – come on your own or bring your friends! Practice is relaxed and informal!

Junior Choir Rehearsal takes place every Wednesday at 5.30pm during term time and the Choral Union & Choral Scholars Rehearse every Wednesday at 6.45pm. If you would like to take part, contact David O’Shea at

Choral Scholars

See Choral Scholars Initiative web page for more details.

Sunday School

Sunday School is held in both Sandford and St Philip’s on a number of Sundays each term (taking into account school holidays). It caters for children (including infants) of all ages up to Confirmation age. Sunday School involves children with arts & crafts, stories, songs and games based on Scripture and Church festivals/seasons. All children are welcome to join us – please just pop along!

If you would like further information or be added to our mailing list, please contact the Parish Office at or 086 038 6432.


During our services our scripture readings are read by lay people. If you would like to join the list of readers contact Chris Boyd (Sandford) at or Gloria Smythe (St Philip’s).


An important part of our Sunday morning worship is the element of community spirit – having tea/coffee after worship on a Sunday is a way of building up this community. We have refreshments on the first and third Sundays of the month – please do join us. If you are willing to help out contact Joan Boyle (Sandford) or Ruth Potterton (St Philip’s).


They are there every Sunday (except during Advent and Lent) – the flowers which decorate our churches. All that is required is a simple bunch of flowers or an arrangement placed on a pedestal.

Can you help? Each helper usually needs to contribute only once a year for two (Sandford) or four (St Philip’s) consecutive weeks, so flowers can be reused. Help at the Festivals of Harvest, Christmas and Easter is always needed, usually at 10am on the Saturday before. Contact Sally Keane (Sandford) or Ruth Potterton (St Philip’s).

Contact details are listed in the SandMill News which is published and distributed to parishioners, or alternatively contact the Parish Office: 086 038 6432.


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