St Philip’s Hall Restoration Project

Since the grant of planning permission for the essential works on St Philips’ Hall issued in March, five requests to tender have been sent to a selection of building companies for the first phase of the restoration project. The works in this phase include replacing roof tiles and repairing roof joists, installing insulation, upgrading the windows and fitting solar panels. Three tenders were received and the most appropriate was found to be Rainey & Co. Ltd., agreed at a fixed cost of €190,000. It is intended that the works will be carried out during July and August.
Sponsor a Slate
The initial element of the fundraising for the works is by way of a Sponsor a Slate campaign. A slate can be sponsored for €100 in the following ways:

  • Via the GoFundMe page on the parish website, (please include ‘slate’ and your name):
  • Direct transfer to the parish bank account (please include ‘slate’ and your name as narration): St Philips Church, Milltown. Ring parish office for details (086 038 6432) and/or details in the current SandMill newsletter.
  • Place a cheque (preferable) or cash in an envelope marked ‘slate’ on the Sunday collection plate, or drop it through the Rectory letterbox, or post it directly to the Hon. Treasurer. Ring parish office for details (086 038 6432) and/or details in the current SandMill newsletter.

A certificate will be issued acknowledging your contribution.

The fundraising committee is in the process of planning a series of fundraising events, and details of these will be made known as the plan progresses. Please visit the dedicated page on the parish website for details and progress.

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