Service in Creation

The grouped parishes came together for the now-annual outdoor Service of Creation in the verdant grounds of St Philip’s Church on Sunday 17 July. This Service of the Word, which celebrates the wonders of God’s natural world, also makes us mindful of our influence on the environment. The Lord blessed the congregation with summer sun and balmy temperatures in the mid-twenties. The children of the parish led prayers of thanksgiving and intercession that they had written themselves. They also read several personal reflections on the importance of the natural world in their lives. The high-spirited event also welcomed Sam Oscar Hammond, son of Christine and Paul Hammond, to the Christian faith through Holy Baptism. The music was led by Nathan Whitley, former pupil of Sandford Parish National School and current organ pupil of Organist and Choir Director, Dr David O’Shea, with the congregation enthusiastically contributing to the liturgy through song.

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