Journeying Together in Lent

Journeying Together in Lent:  A Christian Look at the Environment

We continue to join with parishioners of Beechwood Ave. Parish as we journey together in Lent, taking a look at the Environment from a Christian Perspective.  This series draws on both theological and scientific insight to help us consider what a Christian approach to environmental issues might look like.

The themes over the 4 weeks are to be:

“What are humans that you are mindful of them” (Psalm 8: 4) – Humanity’s impact on Creation

“Love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22: 39) – Humanity’s relationship with other living things “Jesus is the image of the invisible God”  (Colossians 1: 15) – Our care of Creation

“Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5) – A Collective Christian approach 

We meet at 11am for refreshments, followed by a time of bible reading, discussion & reflection, on the dates/locations below:

Wed. 28 February:  Church of the Holy Name, Beechwood Avenue

Wed. 6 March:  Sandford Parish Church

Wed. 13 March:  Church of the Holy Name, Beechwood Avenue Please do join with us.

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