Harvest Thanksgiving Service, Sandford Church

Sandford Church

10am, Sandford Church. We are looking forward to welcoming Fran Brady from Eco Congregation Ireland to preach at our Harvest Thanksgiving Services.

Harvest Thanksgiving Service, St Philip’s

St Philip's Hall and Grounds

11.30am - outdoors (weather permitting) at St Philip's. We are looking forward to welcoming Fran Brady from Eco Congregation Ireland to preach at our Harvest Thanksgiving Service.

Sandmill Strollers: Dodder Valley Park from Spawell area

St. Philip's Church

Sandmill Strollers depart at 1.30 pm from St Philip’s Church on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are free on a Tuesday afternoon, do join us for chat, gentle exercise and the feel of wind and /or sun on your face. We do try to find a café…

SPNS Coffee Morning and Cookbook Sale


We will be holding a Coffee Morning for parents/guardians in Sandford Parish National School on Friday 15 October at 8.30 am in the grounds of Sandford Church. Once you’ve dropped your children to school, drop in to the church grounds for tea/coffee & a traybake and the opportunity to purchase…

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