Following a lengthy planning period, the first stage of the essential works on the Rectory commenced in mid-August with the mandatory removal of asbestos discovered in the boiler flue shaft. This involved engaging experts who quarantined the kitchen area, disposed of the deleterious material, and concluded by testing and certifying that the air was free from any spores.
During this process the old boiler was removed, after which a replacement unit was fitted. As the new boiler needed to integrate with usable old pipework, a heat exchanger with water separation unit needed to be fitted, together with a replacement hot water cylinder as the old one was leaking. Taking seven days to complete, this was quite a significant job.
The essential rewiring of the building, including upgrades to the security system, will commence soon. This requires lifting carpets / floorboards and taking out the old kitchen units. This phase renders the Rectory uninhabitable from both practical and health and safety viewpoints, therefore alternative accommodation is necessary. We have been fortunate to source an apartment in a nearby location on a short-term, flexible basis.
We are making every effort to complete the works in the shortest timeframe possible, therefore the new kitchen units are currently being manufactured so they will be ready to install immediately after the electrical works are completed.
The works also include refitting the ensuite shower room with modern fittings and tiling, together with creating additional necessary ventilation.
The final part of the assignment will be tiling the kitchen floor and walls, together with remedial redecoration of all areas disturbed by the rewiring, although this has been minimised with the planned re-use of existing electrical conduits.
Unavoidably this project will be disruptive. Not only is the Rectory a residence for the Rector, it also serves so many other valuable and important functions including an office for the Rector, a private space for the Rector to meet with parishioners, various parish meetings, fundraising and social functions such as the Strawberries & Wine event, and more. The Rectory is an asset to our parishes and plays an important role in the Grouped Parishes and we therefore have a responsibility for its upkeep. We hope that the planned works will be concluded prior to Christmas.
Robert McKay, Glebewarden, St Philip’s
Dave Richards, Rector’s Glebewarden, Sandford