Garden Gang

The Garden Gang awaits news of the latest public health guidelines with a key date being 5 March, but while we all wait nature does not. It is thrilling to see snowdrops and daffodils blooming, while the days are getting longer. We haven’t gardened together since October 2019 which is…

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Sunday School

Christmas Cards In response to the wonderful Christmas cards sent by members of the Sunday Schools to the SandMillers (plus others), this message was received: “This morning I got a lovely surprise from one of the little girls – a handmade Christmas card from St Philip’s church….It is a lovely…

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Virtual Quiz Night

Quicksilver, of distant notoriety, Cross Country Quiz, Mastermind, University Challenge, Pointless, ok, we all love a ‘quiz’. The smug feeling of being able to answer that one obscure trivia question or the frustration of grasping for that either/or choice. On a cold Thursday evening, nine eager teams, suitably charged with…

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Virtual Craft Group

We are investigating whether there is any interest in re-starting a craft group albeit virtually! More and more people are getting crafty and creative in lockdown and revisiting old hobbies. We are seeing if perhaps people might like to come together to craft, chat and encourage each other over Zoom,…

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Some of the following may be of interest to you: Church’s Ministry of Healing: Online Healing Service on the feast of St Brigid, 1st February via Facebook live. The service will be led by the Revd Lesley Robinson and commences at 12 noon at St Brigid’s Cross: Video from…

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Musical Ventures

Basic Skills: David O’Shea is planning to run a few Zoom gatherings in which those attending would work on some basic music reading and aural skills, that will either come in useful when we get back to singing, or for anyone who is interested and would like to join in.…

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