Our first ever pre-loved clothes sale was held on Saturday 27 August, the funds
raised going toward s the refurbishment of St Philip’s Hall. Following on from
the clothes drop off and the set up by a loyal band of dedicated volunteers on
Friday evening, which was completed early Saturday morning, the doors
opened at 10am with an element of anticipation. However, from the get go,
there was a steady stream of shoppers which continued throughout the duration of the sale. The quality
of the items available was superb with numerous bargains to be had if the arm full of clothes of satisfied
customers was anything to go by! In fact, a question was asked ‘Is this a weekly event?’ (the answer is
no, it is not!); but whilst not necessarily a weekly event, could perhaps evolve into something to ponder
again for the future?! A big shout out goes to Rachel Richardson who organised this sale which raised
just over €1,000 for the refurbishment of the Parish Hall. A great day all round for both the parish and
community alike. Karen Morton