Sandmillers Activities

Hue and Cry The Sandmillers heralded the New Year with Hue and Cry the highly acclaimed two-hander at Bewley’s Lunchtime Theatre. The play, by Deirdre Kinahan, recounts the reunion of two adult cousins on the eve of a family funeral. Damian and Kevin have had very different life experiences and…

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Refurbishment of the Rectory

You will have read in the Christmas edition of SandMill News about the essential refurbishment works to be carried out on the Rectory (which serves both Sandford and St Philip’s parishes) and, in particular, the re-wiring of the building due to the presence of a thick dark green oily substance…

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St Philip’s Organ

Work on the St Philip’s organ is nearing completion, with the pedal division almost complete, and only around five more stops to be installed after that. The organ will be used to accompany the performance of Stainer’s ‘The Crucifixion’ in Holy Week, and it is hoped that the completed organ…

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Easter General Vestry/Parish AGM

The Easter General Vestry is the annual general meeting of our parish. At the meeting reports are presented by the Rector and the Hon. Treasurer. The Select Vestry will be elected and Churchwardens and Glebewarden(s) will be nominated for the coming year. Select Vestry The Select Vestry is the group…

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