Vintage Afternoon Tea

We are planning our second Vintage Afternoon Tea for Saturday 13 April from 2pm to 4pm in St Philip’s Hall.   With advance notice we hope you will save the date and spread the word. We held our first Afternoon Tea in March last year and it proved to be a very popular event with almost 70 people in attendance.  Some people came in vintage dress some with exotic hats, gentlemen in straw boaters or fancy waistcoats, with others in normal clothes. The food, served on fine china, was plentiful and gorgeous.  If you were there last year and have ideas of how it might be improved, please let us know. It was truly a great afternoon with lots of chat and laughter and sharing of ideas, holiday plans and all sorts. Please remember you don’t have to come in a group and/or with a partner or friend, you can come on your own and you will be seated with others and will meet new people and perhaps catch up with old friends. Looking forward to seeing you all.

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