Christmas Bazaar

You will see details of the Christmas Bazaar, which takes place in November. There is room for another stall and/or activity and the Sandford fundraising committee would love to hear from anyone who has any ideas about this. The committee would also love to hear from someone willing to paint…

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A Place to Call Home

Our United Dioceses of Dublin & Glendalough is supporting a programme called ‘A Place to Call Home’, which provides ‘next step’ accommodation and assistance for people emerging from Direct Provision. Our diocese has committed to raising €300,000 to support the Refugee Accommodation Programme being devised by the Irish Refugee Council.…

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Focus Ireland

On Sunday 12 May, at both Sandford and St Philip’s services, the address was given by Mr Frank Fitzpatrick in order to highlight the housing/homelessness crisis in Ireland today. Frank is a volunteer with Focus Ireland, a charity which the parishes have supported for many years. For those of us…

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Parents and Toddlers Coffee Morning

Thank you to both Zara & Tim Mackey and their baby son for hosting the lovely meet-up for young families. Friendship and hospitality abound. It was a warm gathering of new babies (is there any other kind?) and happy sleep-deprived parents (again is there any other kind?). There were lots…

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Break Bread and Break Fast

On Sunday 10 March our family attended the 8.30 am Holy Communion Service. This particular service was followed by breakfast in St Philip’s Parish Hall. When the service was finished we sat down with other members of the parishes to enjoy a wonderful breakfast that had been cooked for us.…

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The Garden Gang

The Garden Gang will restart on Saturday 23 March at the slightly later time of 4 pm at the allotments in St Philip’s. It will continue every Saturday through to the end of June, excluding Easter holidays and bank holidays. Our projects for the coming months include tidying up the…

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