Messy Church

‘Church, but not as you know it’ was held on a warm Sunday afternoon on 11 June, at St Philip’s Church and Hall. The theme was all things bright and beautiful. A sub-committee of the Parish Development Committee, along with Rev. Canon Sonia Gyles, set up this wonderful opportunity for young people and their families in the parish, led by the laity. Hannah Rogan and Kate Lyons did a terrific job organising a number of child-centred arts and crafts activities related to this theme. Children painted insects, bugs and their names on rocks; made creatures from leaves and insect hotels, remembering the importance of nature and celebration that brought Messy Church together. This was followed by a wonderful parable by Rachel Richardson with the family congregation. She presented a slideshow from the animal world, under the theme of All things bright and beautiful and reminded us of the precious world around us and the connection we have to nature. Children from the congregation read the readings. All enjoyed a wonderful lunch hosted by Helen Prendiville and crew. The sun stayed shining high in the sky and the children enjoyed playing in the grounds. When asked what they would recommend to others, one child said “I’d definitely recommend it, I got to see all my friends”. Another said her “favourite was the fox in the slideshow”. A few mentioned enjoying “dinner with friends“ and “painting stones and bug hotels” were popular attractions too. The event opened the Church in a fun, engaging, child and family- centred way to all. We look forward to welcoming you to the next Messy Church. Anne-Marie Casey

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